Monday, April 7, 2008

A "Lifetime" Movie Worth Watching?

If you have ever been awake at 3:30 am and turned on the T.V., you have surely stumbled onto a Lifetime original about a teenage cheerleader who collects beanie babies and her struggle with meth or a teacher's love affair with her 13-year-old student and her struggle to figure out how she will raise their illegitimate children while she rots in jail. I know you have been brought to tears by the incredible script writing and inspired acting. Or maybe you were just crying because you realized you will never get those minutes back that you just spent watching that crap. Well I just saw something that could change that (maybe). Lifetime made a movie of the book "The Memory Keepers Daughter" which we read (and I think mostly really liked). It premieres on Saturday, April 12th at 9 pm/8c and stars Dermot Mulrooney as Dr. David Henry and Gretchen Mol as Norah Henry. I'm thinking, since it's not a Lifetime original movie that they wrote, it might not completely suck. I may not give up my Saturday night just in case, but i think I'll tivo it for later...



Carly said...

Count me in Nat! Not only have I oft been inspired by the likes of Judith Light and other prime time castoffs in starring Lifetime roles, but I feel such passion for the male actors on this network that I once begged Elena to confront such an actor on the plane ride to San Francisco! I was convinced I'd seen him on one of the many heartbreaking programs I'd seen. He claimed he'd never done any acting, but I think he was just being modest! Since I nominated Memory Keepers, I will definitely be tuned in on April 12th, although if I remember right, I wanted to use this book as a diaper for Claire.

Elena said...

Beware, in case Carly asks you to confront a "celebrity", as believable as it may seem that she has seen all 23 lifetime movies he was in...DON'T DO IT!