Friday, October 24, 2008

This is soooooooo disturbing to me....wanted to know ya'lls opinions about propostition8....Since we're getting political and all!


Annie said...

I am SUPER passionate about this!I say vote NO to proposition 8! Is this couple for real? What is wrong with teaching our children about other life styles and being open and tolerant toward EVERY ONE. I could care less if Dexter learned about homosexuality at his age and would be happy if it was just another thing he learned about that wasn't made into a big deal. If you make it a big deal then the kids will think it's a big deal. I want him to love and respect all the people in his life whether they are homosexual or not. And what does another couples marriage (whether is is homosexual or heterosexual) have to do with MY marriage. Carly's marriage to Shawn has NOTHING to do with my marriage to Trevor and has no affects on it. Why can't we just let people be who they want to be and love who they want to love. The statistics for heterosexual couples for staying married aren't so hot (50% divorce rate) so I don't think we have any room to talk about homosexuals taking away the sanctity of our marriage. Sorry. But I really have issues with this as you can tell but now you know my opinion. Thanks for letting me get on my soap box. Love you all (especially the gays)! =)

rachel said...

Annie, how can we have such differing opinions and yet like eachother so much? (Well, I really like you anyway.) When marriage is redefined it makes religions who believe in the traditional marriage a "hate" or "discriminating' organization. I'm not saying don't give them all the rights of married couples. But why do you have to redefine what something is for such a small portion of society to feel accepted. If that's how they choose to live...great, I have no problem with that. But don't make me a hater, according to law, because I don't believe that way.

Thanks for sharing your thoughts Annie.

Annie said...

I love you too Rachel (even though we totally disagree on this one)! Thanks for your opinion as well but I also wanted to make the point that taking away someone's rights for being different (gay, black, white, female, whatever) is not cool. Don't you think we will look back in 10-20 years and, I can't believe we ever denied homosexuals the right to get married. I'm just thinking about our history with equal rights for blacks and women's right to vote. Isn't is crazy that we ever did that to blacks and women? Well, I think the same thing about gays being allowed to marry. =)
P.S. I love that we are having these discussions. Thanks Rachel!

Lilli said...

Well I know that this is a super charged topic and very many are so passionate about it, as am I. I know there will be many that don't agree with me, but this is why I love club. (Here are my thoughts on the topic:
There are many churches (not just the LDS church) who believe that marriage is ordained of God and is between a man and a woman. If prop 8 doesn't pass religions will no longer be able to make that claim without it being considered hate speech, I have real strong issue with that. If this doesn't pass it means that because it is law schools will teach my children, from the time they are in kindergarten, that homosexuality is moral and because of my religious beliefs I won't ever be able to agree that it is. I agree with Rachel, I am for giving them rights of married couples, but redefining marriage has lasting effects on schools and religion. I have a right as a parent to teach my children about moral issues. I don't think it is about being intolerant at all, I just want to have control how the information is presented to my own children.

Lorilee said...

This is why I miss bookclub.
I haven't gotten into a good debating discussion like this since I moved to this blasted island. I love reading everyones opinions, and thinking about different ideas. I will have to put my thoughts together, and get back to you before I just throw something out there and regret it in the morning (like I usually did at club)

miss you guys.