Monday, October 1, 2007

no comment?

I'm so happy everyone is slowly but surely getting more comfortable with blogging, it helps me still fill apart of book club.....I miss you guys! I love seeing what is going on in your lives, and what everyone is up keep the posts coming.
The reason for this post is to remind everyone to comment. For those of you who don't know.. there is a little comment button you can click under each post, and it will open a small window that allows you to type in what you want to say, and then it publishes under the comments window. (You can see in previous posts....where I have commented on what people are saying). Maybe you all know about this already, and if that's the better start commenting! That's the fun part about posting and looking at the see what others are saying in response......and we all know, with this group, everyone always has something to say :)
I mean, come I the only one who can give Bridgette advice on motherhood?? I am practically the only one without kids, and pretty much no responsibilities right, I'm not sure if I should be offering her the only advice.
Here is a dumb picture of me I just took...posting is always more fun with photos...even if they include no make-up, morning breath, greasy hair, and yes, those are my garments under my tank top. It's the new style.
I miss everyone dearly!

1 comment:

Carly said...

Yo Lori! This is Natalie and Carly right now and we're practicing taking your advice on commenting. Thanks for being so dilligent with our blog! Nat is visiting me right now and holding Claire while doling out nursing advice, which I need desperately! We miss you very much and look forward to visiting you soon!