Monday, October 1, 2007

Virgin blogger on the scene

First and foremost- Claire's here!! Raise your hand if you hate Carly for only ENDURING 4 hours of labor and looking like a post-giving-birth supermodel!! Now if you want to see some great post-giving-birth pictures close your eyes and imagine this-me, add 75 lbs and a 6 gallons of IV fluids to my body (mostly my face) and a lovely hospital gown, remove makeup and cute hairstyle, and voile! GLAMOUR magazine. Seriously Car! You are a beautiful mother. And Claire is gorgeous!

Um, Hello, Jen? You need to get your butt to club and deliver us the juice!! We need romance in our lives-you know we do. Congrats!!! I'm so happy for you!

Did I miss Lori's tips on how to be Supermom/wife? I need those tips DESPERATELY.

Bridgette-I want to be that person too. I don't think it's possible. I am burdened with guilt every minute of every day. What a struggle-and yet what a joy it is to have a family. I know it's been a bit since you posted that but I just read it and feel your pain. And if you are anything like me-you've had another one of those days since you posted. I love ya! Keep doing your best and coming to club. That alone will give you strength to face another inadequate day RIGHT?

Thanks Krissy for the other night! I had so much fun. P.S. I bought Knocked Up so I can watch it and laugh my A@# off at any moment.

Enough from me-Love to all.

1 comment:

Lorilee said...

Yea! I'm so happy the true President has finally posted. wink wink Carley.

Natalie I'm sure you looked just as pretty as Carley when you had your babies...I mean, with those long lashes, pretty smile, and thick could you look bad?

miss you.