Monday, November 5, 2007

Baby ?

Hello Ladies! Lilli's cute new little girl finally arrived last night with apparently only 3 min of pushing! Hoorah for Lilli! As of last night she still didn't have a name.....I haven't spoken with Lilli yet, so those are the only details I have......more to come I'm sure!

So I've only heard from Shelli and Nat concerning the retreat...I need to let my little brother know let me know what day everyone wants to go...the 1st or the 8th. Lori I think you should fly back for the holidays so you can come on our little retreat with us! We definitely miss you!


the mama monster said...

Yeah! I was wondering when she would come. I need to call you and find out the details and see how you are doing. So what is the book this month? Oh and either date would work for me.

Lorilee said...

if only I could Bridgette.
I'm coming home for Christmas, and will be there for a few better count me in on any holiday celebrations club will be having.